Thursday, April 30, 2020

BBA Website Stats - First Third of Year for 2020

Some Local Area Business Statistics in the Age of Covid-19

Chart 1: BBA Website Impression First 1/3 of the Year 2020

In the first third (January through April) of the year 2020 the BBA website had over 1000 visitors (impressions.) Both the Bluffs Wine Walk and Events web pages had nearly 250 interested visitors. The Links web page (where member's ads are placed) 135.

Chart 2: BBA Website Impressions for April of 2020

Impressions for just April were 128 (Home), 44 (Blog), and 23 (for both Links & Schedule.)

Chart 3: BBA Bluffs Wine Walk - Facebook Ad Responses - Within 1st Qtr 2020 

The Bluffs Wine Walk Facebook ad responses were 6,376 and still climbing before the event was canceled. BWW Facebook events page reached 408 interested fans with several contributes.

Chart 4: BBA Website Referring Pages for April of 2020

Referring pages for the month of April toppled 57 for the Home page and 14 from both Facebook and Links.

BBA members to get your business story, for free, on the BBA website's blog and Facebook fan page send your content with media (images or video) to Gary, the eServices Director. To purchase a business card ad go to - May Phase 1 of Florida's Coronavirus reopen status be beneficial to your business. Enjoy the success and stay safe by social distancing.


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